Fire is a destructive force of nature. Either it is caused by natural disasters or major accident, the best action on that time is leave your property as soon as possible. At-least it can save lives. When you feel that you are safe from that fire hazard then immediately call for help.
As you know that fire damage is devastating it is better to know the common causes of home fires. There are so many things in our house that can cause the fire and potential damages to our property. So it is important to know common causes and how to take precautions.

Carelessness is one of the most common and most silly reason for the home fires. We all know that no one is perfect. Mistakes can happen anytime. So we can consider that. But negligence is not mistake. It is not tolerable in case of potential fire hazard. We need to be more careful about this. Being careless in kitchen area like not storing the matches and lighters in safe ares, not turning off the gas tank when not in use are just few example of careless actions. These careless actions has high potential to lead a major fire damage in your home. Let me give more examples. Burning candles when you are not there, heating devices near combustible items, fail to put out the cigarettes, all those are the common examples of careless actions that we commonly do in our house. So please be careful and save your house from fire.
Surprised to see the title here? Don’t. Because according to the U. S. Fire Administration cooking is cause of half of all house fires. Yes, it is true. Why not when kitchen is full of flammable objects. Here you can highly relate our previous cause “Carelessness” here. To prevent this first thing and most important thing that you can do is never leave the kitchen when you are cooking. Who knows when you are away from kitchen and accident take your place. Second thing that you can do is keep clean your cooking equipment and appliances. Ovens, microwaves are flammable and those can lead to fire anytime. So the third thing that you can do is keep those and other flammable objects away from stove and other heat sources.
Electrical Malfunction
Electrical malfunction is another common causes of home fires. Damage cords, plugging too many cords in same outlet, frayed wires etc are the few reasons that can easily lead to fire. Don’t over plug outlets. If you over plug an outlet then what happen is too much current running through that outlet, or extension cord. By any chance if the running current is over the rated current then it will cause heat and spark which can lead to fire. Damage and exposed wires are dangerous. Immediately you need to replace those.
Heating devices are the second most common cause of home fire. Most of the time we left the heating devices unattended. Suppose a room heater is turned on during a cold winter night and left unattended. If that one is placed near the other objects then it may cause over heated them burn them which can easily lead to fire. So whenever you are leaving the room remember to turn off your heating device and also maintain its distance from other objects. If you are using wood stoves and chimneys, don’t forget to clean and maintain them to prevent fire.
So these are few common causes of home fire. You can’t ignore them. So I am hoping that you will remember those and able to prevent home fires. But suppose accidentally your home caught by fire and you need help. So first thing you need to call the fire department and then you need some professionals to clean up those fire damages and restore your home.
So I thought why not I mention some of my clients here. So here are the big shout-out for some professional companies who can cleanup all the fire and water damage from your home.
Dalworth Restoration – Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas/Fort Worth
Cyclone Kleen Up – Fire Damage Restoration in Colorado Springs, CO
Concraft – Fire Damage Restoration in Greater Detroit, MI
Chenal Restoration – Fire & Smoke Damage In Little Rock, Hot Springs, Conway & Benton, Arkansas
Builder Services Inc of NC – Fire Damage Restoration in North Carolina
Best Cleaning & Disaster Restoration Services, Inc – Fire Damage Restoration Service in Durango, Farmington, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs
All American Cleaning & Restoration – Fire Damage Restoration in Idaho
So this is it for today. Hope this will help you guys. Let me know in the comment section.
Stay Safe and Stay home. Bye.
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